In order to best manage this site and ensure that presents get to the right people Santa needs to get some information from you. Both Santa and the elves know that this is very private information and do everything to make sure it stays secret.

The following information might be recorded.

  • Email
  • Childrens first names
  • If guardians are present.
  • A message to Santa through text or video
  • The presents you want.

All the information is kept safely and not used for anything but providing you with updates. Because the elves use some other systems your information can be stored in the following services.

  • Gist: This is the database and email service we use. They provide a lot functionality but we deliberately use the minimum on our site. The data we collect is sent directly to them and we do not use their tracking, chat or other on-site services apart from a single contact form. Their privacy policy is here.
  • Landbot: Landbot provides the ability to chat with the elves. By default they record all conversations, however we delete these immediately after they occur. Their privacy policy.
  • Ziggeo: Ziggeo provide the video recording service. Their privacy policy is here.

Each of these services have strong privacy policies and staff within the companies cannot see the data. However we minimise the amount of data collected and stored.

Information We Store

Much of the data we collect is transitory. It might not be needed to operate the system but is collected incidentally. We actively work to reduce the information we have to a minimum. To do this we undertake the following....

  • We delete the conversation after it is completed.
  • We store the video for 3 months and then delete it.
  • In our database we only store your email, the links to the video, text message (if any), childrens name, and communications between us.
  • All our emails have an easy link to remove you from the list.

What We Do With Your Data

Santa uses the information you provide only to send you updates on his workshop, his preparations for Christmas, and the progress of your present.

It is not shared with anyone either individually or anonymously.

Access and Removal Of Data

You are entitled to see any data we have on you, or to remove the information. Just send an email to with the subject GDPR